
I spend a bunch of time reading stuff, on and off the internet.

Every once in a while something piques my interest, and my head gets stuck. I fixate on it until I think I have a fair idea about that topic or person.

Fisi.me is a collection of fisima, Italian for fixation.

I’m putting online some results of those fixation trips I get.
In part it’s to practice writing, in part it’s to see those journeys evolve to closure.

As McCullough allegedly said:

Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That’s why it’s so hard. — David McCullough1

The not so secret goal is to practice more the thinking than the writing, if you find something nonsensical please let me know.

Contact: about @ the domain fisi.me

  1. Source: Interview with NEH chairman Bruce Cole, Humanities, July/Aug. 2002, Vol. 23/No. 4